4.5.3 WorkspaceArrays in OpenGenie

OpenGenie uses a type of variable called a WorkspaceArray which is very powerful for handling a group of spectra. A WorkspaceArray is basically an array in which each element is itself a workspace. Each workspace is composed of a number of fields, including an x-array, a y-array and various parameters such as scattering angle. For example, after running GEMSQRAW, a WorkspaceArray called bank will have been created which contains the focussed and normalised data. Each element of bank corresponds to a different detector bank. For example, bank[4] contains the data for bank 4. (When bank zero is installed, the data will be put in bank[8].) You can access a single element of bank - for example the data for bank 2 may be displayed by typing d bank[2] 5 15, or the scattering angle for bank 6 may be checked by typing printn bank[6].twotheta. Alternatively you can access the whole WorkspaceArray, for example it may be plotted by typing gemplot bank, or bank may be copied to another workspacearray (called sio2 for example) by typing sio2=bank.

The command wd has been provided for displaying all elements of a WorkspaceArray on a single graph, e.g. type wd bank or wd bank xmax=10 etc. An additional WorkspaceArray can be overplotted on this graph by typing wp sio2 for example.

Last updated on 04 Jun 2001 by Alex Hannon (a.c.hannon@rl.ac.uk)