Empirical Potential Structure Refinement

EPSR Workshops
 It consists of a series of introductory lectures describing the routines and of some tutorial sessions where participants are taken through the various stages of performing a structure refinement on some test data.

An up-to-date manual describing the routines is available, and there was also an opportunity to apply the method to users' own data. It runs usually every two years.

The next Empirical Potential Structure Refinement (EPSR) Workshop will be held in 2008.

Check our website for updates!

Previous workshops
  • The First EPSR Workshop took place at The Cosener's House in Abingdon on 11-13 November 2002.

  • The Second EPSR Workshop took place at The Cosener's House on16-18 June 2004.

  • The Third and most recent EPSR Workshop took place at RAL on 1-2 November 2006.

Check out for pictures in the (guess...) pictures section!


Last updated on 31 Oct 2007