The purpose of this program is to produce a standard plot of focussed GEM data. Click here for a plot of typical glass data, or here for a plot of typical crystal powder data. The focussed data must already be stored in an OpenGenie WorkspaceArray, as a result of running GEMSQRAW, GEMFOCUS or READFILE. To use the program type gemplot scan where scan is the name of the WorkspaceArray which you wish to plot. If you wish, you can change the title on the plot, for example by typing gemplot scan title="New title". The full list of parameters that can be added to the GEMPLOT command line is as follows...

bank=scan Name of WorkspaceArray to be plotted
title="New plot" Plot title
xmin=1.0 Global minimum value of x for the plots
xmax=10.0 Global maxmimum value of x for the plots
ymin=0.0 Global minimum value of y for the plots
ymin=2.0 Global maxmimum value of y for the plots
(Example values are given for each parameter.)

Last updated on 18 Sep 2002 by Alex Hannon (a.c.hannon@rl.ac.uk)