4.6 GEMSQRAW: Quick Plotting of GEM Data

SiO2_small.gif (3973 bytes) MgB2_small.gif (3663 bytes)
SiO2 MgB2

OpenGenie Software

Software for quick visualisation of GEM data is available within the OpenGenie program. This can be run identically on a VMS computer or a Windows PC (although the data will need to be transferred to the PC first). Click here to find out how to start OpenGenie. If you run OpenGenie on the GEM VMS computer or the PC in the GEM cabin then the programs described below will automatically be set up.

In all of these programs, typing abort in response to any question will cause the program to stop immediately. If you press carriage return in response to a question then the default will be selected. If you are unsure what response to give then you should select the default. If for any reason you wish to reload the software into OpenGenie then this may be done by typing gemproc. If any errors occur when the software is loaded into OpenGenie then they will be recorded in the file gemsqraw_errors.dat.

Click here to find out how to print your OpenGenie plots.

Click here for information on installing this software on a PC.

Click here for information on running this software from your own VMS account.

Click on a program name in the following tables for a full description.


OpenGenie Program Brief Description
GEMSQRAW Focus and normalise (sample/vanadium)
GSQ A simplified version of GEMSQRAW
GEMFOCUS Focus data for a single run
GEMPLOT Do a standard plot of focused (and normalised) GEM data
Q2D Convert focused (and normalised) data from Q to d-spacing
D2Q Convert focused (and normalised) data from d-spacing to Q
I2T Fourier transform


OpenGenie Program Brief Description
WRITEFILE Save focused (and normalised) data
READFILE Read focused (and normalised) data that have previously been saved
W2A Save data from workspace(s) to an ascii file 
WRITEGSAS Save focused (and normalised) data to a GSAS data file
LAS Save and print last plot
WORDFIG Save last plot in metafile
WD Single frame plot
WP Overplot single frame plot
NSPEC Get number of spectra in a run
HEAD Get header for a run
UAMP Get microAmp-hours for a run
READSUM Read an ATLAS file
PLOT2 Do a 2 frame plot of two workspaces
PLOT4 Do a 4 frame plot of four workspaces


Last updated on 14 Dec 2005 by Alex Hannon (a.c.hannon@rl.ac.uk)